The Dangers of Ignoring Athlete’s Foot

Anyone who has suffered from Athlete’s Foot will know how unpleasant and uncomfortable it can be. As tempting as it may be to ignore it and hope it goes away, Athlete’s Foot is definitely something that should be addressed and treated swiftly. Here we look at why it is important to treat the condition.

What is Athlete’s Foot?

Athlete’s Foot is a fungal infection typically affecting the feet and toes. It is extremely common and treatable. The symptoms of Athlete’s Foot often start with itchy white patches of skin between the toes that can turn red and very sore. The skin may flake or peel, and the area may feel raw or sting. The site could become cracked and even bleed.

Why Athlete’s Foot Should Not Be Ignored

Although this ailment may seem mild initially, ignoring it can lead to further issues. As with most health conditions, ignoring it will not make it vanish, and the chances of it clearing up without treatment are very slim indeed. Here are some reasons why Athlete’s Foot should be treated upon detection:

Fungal Infections Spread

The fungal spores that cause Athlete’s Foot live off dead skin and thrive in warm, damp environments, such as the feet. While it usually begins between the two smallest toes, it can easily spread to the other toes if not treated. Furthermore, it can progress to the tops of the feet and the soles, which can be extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Your Toenails May Become Infected

Did you know that Athlete’s Foot can affect your toenails? If ignored, it can cause a fungal nail infection, making the nails thick, yellow, and crumbly. If the toe is then not treated, you may lose the nail.

Fungal Infections Are Contagious

Athlete’s Foot can spread between people via contact. This can happen by sharing towels, clothes, shoes or even the same bathroom floor. It can also be spread at public swimming pools and gyms.

Athlete’s Foot Treatment

If you have experienced Athlete’s Foot symptoms, contact a podiatrist, such as Louisa Seymour Podiatry. Once the condition is diagnosed, you can treat it with anti-fungal medication. This could be in the form of cream or oral medication. If the condition does not improve or clear up after a course of treatment, return to your podiatrist.

Contact Louisa Seymour Podiatry on 01277 266870.

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