Is Your Foot Pain a Sign of Stress Fracture?

Dealing with persistent foot pain can be more than just a minor annoyance; it might be indicative of a stress fracture. These tiny cracks in the bone arise from overuse or repetitive force, often occurring in athletes or those suddenly increasing their physical activity. Understanding the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for stress fractures can help you take the necessary steps towards recovery.

Recognising the Symptoms

The initial signs of a stress fracture include a nagging pain that worsens with activity and subsides with rest, swelling on the top of the foot or the outside of the ankle, tenderness to touch at the site of the fracture, and possible bruising.

Common Causes

Stress fractures result from repetitive stress and overuse, such as running long distances, jumping over and over, or engaging in high-impact activities without proper conditioning. Risk factors include a sudden increase in physical activity, improper footwear, and surfaces that are too hard or uneven.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosing a stress fracture typically involves a medical history review, physical examination, and imaging tests like X-rays or MRIs. Treatment focuses on rest and avoiding activities that put stress on your foot until the bone heals. In some cases, you might need a brace, boot, or crutches to keep weight off the affected area.

Prevention Tips

To prevent stress fractures, gradually increase your activity level, wear appropriate footwear, cross-train with lower-impact sports, maintain a healthy diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, and listen to your body, resting when necessary.

When to See a Podiatrist

If you’re experiencing persistent foot pain that doesn’t improve with rest, it’s essential to consult Louisa Seymour Podiatry. Early intervention can prevent further injury and help ensure a speedy recovery.

Taking care of your feet and being mindful of the signs and symptoms of stress fractures can help keep you active and pain-free. Always remember, if in doubt, have it checked out.

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