Ingrowing, Thickened or Fungal nails

This is usually performed under a local anaesthetic where part or
all of the nail may be removed and the nail bed cauterized to prevent re-growth.
Should the nail not be able to be treated by conservative means, it is possible to permanently remove all of part of the nail under local anaesthetic. This is where the nail bed is then cauterised to prevent the nail from re-growing. This treatment takes anything from 4-8 weeks until it is fully healed.

The success rate of this procedure is 97%.

Contact us today

Ingrown toenails, which mostly occur on the big toe, are easily treated with a range of non-surgical and surgical options. If you have concerns about ingrown toenails contact us today.

New Patient consultation to discuss treatment options £50

Permanent surgical removal £350

Contact us

Phone 01277 216870
Location 30 Ongar Rd
CM15 9AX